HideMyAss VPN - Warum brauche ich ein VPN

Warum brauche ich ein VPN?

Hidemyass erstellt eine sichere, private Internetverbindung, ohne dabei merkbar an Geschwindigkeit einzubüßen. Ihr Internet-Provider sieht nur die verschlüsselten Daten und die Zieladresse kann nur die IP-Adresse und den Server-Standort von HideMyAss einsehen.

HideMyAss  hält Hacker in Schach

HideMyAss VPN verschlüsselt alle Dateien, die Sie senden und empfangen. Ihre Passwörter, E-Mails und Surf-Aktivitäten werden chiffriert, um Hacker und Spione davon abzuhalten, sie lesen zu können.

Bewegen Sie sich frei im Internet

Hindern Sie die Regierung und Ihren Arbeitgeber daran, Ihre Online-Aktivitäten zu kontrollieren. Eine VPN schafft einen sicheren Tunnel zum Internet und erlaubt Ihnen, im Internet zu surfen, ohne von Webseitenblockaden, Zensur oder firmeneigenen Firewalls eingeschränkt zu werden. Auch die Vorratsdatenspeicherungs-regelungen in Ihrem Land werden damit wirkungslos.

Anonym Downloaden und Uploaden

Ihre direkte IP-Adresse oder Ihren Standort kann nicht von Serverbetreibern ermittelt werden. Damit ist es aussichtlos, das Sie durch einen Urheberrechtsvertreter aufgspürt werden können. Downloads oder auch Filesharing ist damit wieder so anonym wie es sein sollte.

Drosselung durch ISP vorbeugen

ISP (Internetdienstanbieter) verwenden üblicherweise DPI (Deep Packet Inspection), um Ihren Internetdatenverkehr zu prüfen und Ihre Bandbreite einzuschränken. Durch Verschlüsselung Ihrer Daten hindert HideMyAss VPN Ihren ISP an der Prüfung Ihrer Daten und am Einschränken Ihres Internetzugangs, einschließlich der Usenet-Geschwindigkeiten.

Zugang zu Webseiten und Inhalte auf der ganzen Welt

Manche Webseiten beschränken den Zugriff, je nachdem, von wo aus Sie darauf zugreifen wollen. Verwenden Sie eine der folgenden HideMyAss-Serverstandorte, um sich Zugang zu solchen Webseiten zu verschaffen. Zum Beispiel betrifft dies auch augenscheinlich TV Ausstrahlungen oder auch Video-on-Demand Seiten. Diese werden häufig gezwungen die Ansicht durch User ausserhalb des eigenen Landes zu verhindern. Mit der VPN Lösung haben Sie immer einen Standort auch in diesem Land über den Sie dadurch Zugriff auf alle lokalen Inhalte erlangen.

Sicherheit im mobilen Internet

HideMyAss bietet dazu auch verschiedene VPN Protokolloptionen und unterstützt eine große Auswahl an Geräten. Sichern Sie Ihre Daten und Onlineaktivitäten, egal, ob Sie am Laptop, am Schreibtischrechner, mit einem Mobilgerät oder Tablet arbeiten.
Profitieren Sie von VPN-Sicherheit in jeder Art Netzwerk, darunter:
  • Wi-Fi Hotspots
  • Mobiltelefon-Netzwerke
  • Private Drahtnetzwerke

Geo Targeting umgehen

Wann immer Sie mitHideMyAss VPN verbunden sind, werden statt Ihres Standortes und Ihrer IP-Adresse jene vonHideMyAss VPN angezeigt. Verhindern Sie, dass Online-Händler, Suchmaschinen und Webseiten für ihre Zwecke Ihre IP-Adresse analysieren.

Wie funktioniert HideMyAss?

VPNs bauen eine sichere Internetverbindung auf, mit der Ihr Internetserviceprovider nur verschlüsselte Daten, und die Zieladresse Ihrer HideMyAssVPN-IP-Adressen und den Standort Ihres HideMyAssVPN Servers sehen kann.
  • Ohne HideMyAss VPN

    Sie besuchen Webseiten mit:

    • Ihre eigenen IP-Adresse
    • Ihr Wohnort

    Ihr Internetprovider sieht

    • Die Webseiten, die sie besuchen
    • Die Videos, die sie ansehen
    • Wem Sie eine E-Mail schicken
    • Mit wem Sie chatten
    • Alles, was Sie herauf- oder herunterladen
  • Mit HideMyAss VPN

    Sie besuchen Webseiten mit:

    • HideMyAssVPN-IP
    • HideMyAssVPN-Standort

    Ihr Internetprovider sieht folgendes:

    • Verschlüsselter HideMyAssVPN-Verkehr
    • Keine Internetseiten URLs, videos, e-mails, IMs oder Downloads


"hide-my-ass" offers a VPN service, which ensure anonymity over vpn tunneling by a variety of servers worldwide. Among them are located in offshore countries and around the world.  Virtually reside and hide behind 241 VPN servers located in 42 countries. Hidemyass uses a specially developed software and can also communicate through a variety of useful security features, this is the reason for a very positive first impression.

Be careful! Have you ever been aware of your IP adress? Your IP exactly points to your location, with very high precision, right to the door of your apartment. Every time you visit a website, your IP address is completely exposed.

Hidemyass.com will help you conceal your real IP and protect your identity online. You need not worry about your privacy and security any more. Browse anonymously with one click from now on, this is what hidemyass offers.
  • But can Hide-My-Ass also meet your expectations?
  • Are you sure even with legal initiatives such as data retention?
  • Before you opt for a subscription, so you should read our short test!

General tests:
1) How easy is Hidemyass use?
Registration is fast, it will be asked a few personal details and there are also many payment methods. It awakens trust. Once registered, paid and logged in to the personal account (within 4-5 minutes) you can support Windows, Linux or Apple Mac OS download systems.

hidemyass, available for windows, mac osc, linux
Software for Windows, MacOSX, Linux available
The installation routine is very professional and the software security replaces also moderately well regardless a few small driver files that make Windows even safer. The whole procedure takes 4-5 minutes. A restart is recommended, but it also works without it. The launch window is very simple and easy to use. Type in your account username and password, choose a favorite country where you will connect over and press: "connect" Then everything goes right, and even fully automatic the connection is going to be installed, the "CONNECTED" is displayed in green and you can be sure to surf in a safe way. You can see your new IP-Adress displayed on the main window.
Conclusion: Overall, a very successful operation. Also very easy to easy, and really clean software. There is a small negative only because the software is ONLY in English. 
Rating: + + + + + (positive 4/5)
First screen using the software
Start screen hidemyass software is easy to use.
Start screen hidemyass software is easy to use.
And certainly been connected!

Certainly been connected to a server with hidemyass
Certainly been connected to a server with hidemyass

2) Testing the speed by "surfing" or "downloading" files

We were using a 100/10 Mbit / s cable connection for the test, based in Germany. Here are the test results of speed tests with www.speedtest.net

We connected on different server via hidemyass and then established a speed test to the nearest server. The result was impressive. (See screenshot) hidemyass had overall great performance by connecting and transmitting data. If the servers are over their limit, hidemyass offeres you to change to another location or server, this is the guarantee that you know about good connections before you try out. This reduces time to find the best choice and is a comfortable feature as well.
  • Bandwidth test result 22.6 / 5.4 Mbit / s over Hidemyass.com server in Moscow, Russia: 15:45 local time

  • Bandwidth test result 10.4 / 5.2 Mbit / s over HideMyAss.com server in Hungary: 19:30 local time

  • Bandwidth test result 24/5, 5 Mbit / s over HideMyAss.com server in London: 16:05 local time

  • Bandwidth test result 4.8 / 4.6 Mbit / s Hide-My-Ass.com server in Texas, USA: 20:00 local time

  • Bandwidth test result 27.2 / 5.2 Mbit / s over HideMyAss.com server in Moldova: 17:30 local time

Conclusion: Great performance, you realize that you barely surfs over to another country!
Rating: + + + + + (positive 5/5)

3) Support and assistance

There is help on a forum, via e-mail and even via live chat. On our way to test, we requested a contact and the answer to our question was given via live-chat in a few minutes. Real support!
We also saw that the forum was quickly moderated and gave clearly and good answers to questions. 
Live-Chat-Support, E-Mail or Forum Support options!
Live-Chat-Support, E-Mail or Forum Support options!

Conclusion: Support should be like that! 
Rating: + + + + + (positive 5/5)

4) access via hotspots or mobile phone possible? How safe is it?

You may also use several PC, but just at the same time per subscription only from one device.it is possible to use hidemyass on all laptops even Android or OS5 devices.  Out of this it is also recommended to secure connections over Free-Wifi for private or even business use. 
In addition, there is the possibility of the server to create manually a VPN service over PPTP, so you can even go beyond your iPad or mobile phone via VPN online with hide-my-ass. In addition, there are good instructions available for using various equipment to facilities available (English) Instructions for Andorid, iPhone.

hidemyass offers also full pptp support to connect any device (mobile, ipad, others)
hidemyass offers also full pptp support to connect any device (mobile, ipad, others)

Conclusion: Simple and mobile travel safely. 
Rating: + + + + + (positive 5/5)5) Video 

5)Streaming Video without country restrictions

Increasingly, you want to receive your favorite programs live  via the internet, but often there are restrictions given to prohibit access by a foreign IP address then. With hidemyass we were able to find full satisfaction also to trigger even HD programs were good. This one also has access to TV channels in the U.S. or any country where hide my ass runs a server. Finally, then yes you are surfing with an IP of the server location. Messages like these are a thing of the past with HMA.
Overrule IP-adress restrictions by watching video in other countries
Overrule IP-adress restrictions by watching video in other countries
Conclusion: real genius! 
Rating: + + + + + (positive 5/5)

6) File sharing and performance?

Of course, file sharing is also a topic where security is most important. We have tried out utorrent during some days. We couldn`t see that real speed were lost, also on use of several different servers. In addition, the software offers the possibility to change its IP address defined cyclically every few minutes or a free period. This will improve your security. .uTorrent, Bit Torrent and other file sharing tools are working properly.

Using hidemyass with utorrent doesnt reduce your speed usually
Using hidemyass with utorrent doesnt reduce your speed usually
Summary: File sharing makes it through security again won a contrite-free pleasure 
Rating: + + + + + (positive 5/5)

7) Are we really anonymous by using Hide My Ass? It is also for people who need extremely high reliability?

A VPN tunnel protects definitely aware the security of transfering data between the terminal and the server location. The standards used for hide-my-ass here are up to date and ensure maximum protection. Upon our request in the User Forum we got confirmed from the operator that hidemyass is not logging connection details, just the ip-adresses.
This is an important feature, but surely they will answer to qualified curt answers about the real ip-adress used during time.

answer in the support forum, hidemyass
answer in the support forum, hidemyass

"We log only minimal things - your original IP and timestamps. That's something we have to do.We will NEVER give out original IP without a court order - and a court order is hard to get."

So in fact there is not an absolutly anonymousity given but it is enough for private uses. The most unsecure moments are already prevented (inside of an free wifi) and the fact that court orders are rarely to get (great britian law) we can feel secure.
Conclusion: Good for individuals or businesses, internationally exposed persons should rely on other means. 
Rating: + + + + (positive 4/5)

8) Goverment Data Retention issues, as behaves as Hide My Ass?

The local provider is by law committed within the EU because of all the existing data (each page call, every e-mail, etc..) Save for at least 6 months of each customer. On court order, these data are then also visible. With hide-my-ass you are secure from data rention of your local provider.
Conclusion: The middle order not to be covered by the local control over power! 
Rating: + + + + + (positive 5/5)

9) Pricing

You pay for Hide-My-Ass per monthly usage. There are different This is then  monthly at $ 11.52 USD for annual payments and lowers the price to $ $ 6.55 per month! That's as far as we know the market really great!Comparable provider with the comprehensive features, but it does not, however, are the most expensive by more than 20%! No automatic renewal, simple pricing structures, a month from $ 6.55 
the hidemyass pricing plan offers various options by time
the hidemyass pricing plan offers various options by time
Conclusion: Great value - Great job! 
Rating: + + + + + (positive 5/5)

Additional features:
  • More than 21,000 different IP addresses available! This gives virtually getting a new IP address, which you did not never used before. We have yet to see hardly any other provider!
  • Just to be selected servers countries around the world, 42 different countries to choose from. That means more than comprehensively, but for some very important features (films from around the world to see) is stupid if you do not then the destination server as the location.
hidemyass ofers server connections in more than 42 countries
hidemyass ofers server connections in more than 42 countries
hidemyass country - server overview
hidemyass country - server overview
  • Included Speed test features inside of the software to check the best connections.
    Built in speed test for server connections
    Built in speed test for server connections
  • Rapid change of servers and IP addresses. Brings added security and Komfrt of use.
  • OpenVPN or PPTP Encryption Standard to choose from. State of the Art - technically!
  • Bind directly to programs HideMyAss use means that the browser or other programs can not go without a launched Hide My Ass connection to the grid. A great feature, because who knows what some programs so all over days, just after the restart. And then you can not forget it or mistake "unsafe" to surf!

  • secure ip bind forces specified applications to only work behind encypted vpn connection
  • secure ip bind forces specified applications to only work behind encypted vpn connection
    • Automatically change of IP-Adress to improve online security
    • automatically change of ip-adress by time
      automatically change of ip-adress by time
    Recommendation:Hidemyass is overall a very good service, which leaves little to be desired. It lacks a security at virtually no assets and therefore there is a real added value for everyone. The simple and easy to use and the great speed just as impressive. The only slight negative is that the software only in "english" stands for disposal, but the ease of use yet convinced.We can therefore recommend the service especially!
    • How easy is Hidemyass use? Rating: + + + + - (positive 4/5)
    • Speed ​​"surfing"
      Rating: + + + + + (positive 5/5)
    • Support and Support
      Rating: + + + + + (positive 5/5)
    • Access via hotspots or mobile phone possible? Rating: + + + + + (positive 5/5)
    • Video streaming without copyright restrictions
      Rating: + + + + + (positive 5/5)
    • File sharing and performance?
      Rating: + + + + + (positive 5/5)
    • As we are really anonymous Hide My Ass? Rating: + + + + - (positive 4/5)
    • Retention, such acts as Hide My Ass?
      Rating: + + + + + (positive 5/5)
    • Pricing
      Rating: + + + + + (positive 5/5)

    Overall rating: + + + + + (positive 5/5)

    More information and Order (click on the button):


    The complete hidemyass.com Test - Is it a good choice? We have tested it for you.

    "hide-my-ass" offers a VPN service, which ensure anonymity over vpn tunneling by a variety of servers worldwide. Among them are located in offshore countries and around the world. 
    Virtually reside and hide behind 241 VPN servers located in 42 countries. Hidemyass uses a specially developed software and can also communicate through a variety of useful security features, this is the reason for a very positive first impression.

    Be careful! Have you ever been aware of your IP adress? Your IP exactly points to your location, with very high precision, right to the door of your apartment. Every time you visit a website, your IP address is completely exposed.

    Hidemyass.com will help you conceal your real IP and protect your identity online. You need not worry about your privacy and security any more. Browse anonymously with one click from now on, this is what hidemyass offers.
    • But can Hide-My-Ass also meet your expectations?
    • Are you sure even with legal initiatives such as data retention?
    • Before you opt for a subscription, so you should read our short test!

    General tests:
    1) How easy is Hidemyass use?
    Registration is fast, it will be asked a few personal details and there are also many payment methods. It awakens trust. Once registered, paid and logged in to the personal account (within 4-5 minutes) you can support Windows, Linux or Apple Mac OS download systems.

    hidemyass, available for windows, mac osc, linux
    Software for Windows, MacOSX, Linux available
    The installation routine is very professional and the software security replaces also moderately well regardless a few small driver files that make Windows even safer. The whole procedure takes 4-5 minutes. A restart is recommended, but it also works without it. The launch window is very simple and easy to use. Type in your account username and password, choose a favorite country where you will connect over and press: "connect" Then everything goes right, and even fully automatic the connection is going to be installed, the "CONNECTED" is displayed in green and you can be sure to surf in a safe way. You can see your new IP-Adress displayed on the main window.
    Conclusion: Overall, a very successful operation. Also very easy to easy, and really clean software. There is a small negative only because the software is ONLY in English. 
    Rating: + + + + + (positive 4/5)
    First screen using the software
    Start screen hidemyass software is easy to use.
    Start screen hidemyass software is easy to use.
    And certainly been connected!

    Certainly been connected to a server with hidemyass
    Certainly been connected to a server with hidemyass

    2) Testing the speed by "surfing" or "downloading" files

    We were using a 100/10 Mbit / s cable connection for the test, based in Germany. Here are the test results of speed tests with www.speedtest.net

    We connected on different server via hidemyass and then established a speed test to the nearest server. The result was impressive. (See screenshot) hidemyass had overall great performance by connecting and transmitting data. If the servers are over their limit, hidemyass offeres you to change to another location or server, this is the guarantee that you know about good connections before you try out. This reduces time to find the best choice and is a comfortable feature as well.
    • Bandwidth test result 22.6 / 5.4 Mbit / s over Hidemyass.com server in Moscow, Russia: 15:45 local time

    • Bandwidth test result 10.4 / 5.2 Mbit / s over HideMyAss.com server in Hungary: 19:30 local time

    • Bandwidth test result 24/5, 5 Mbit / s over HideMyAss.com server in London: 16:05 local time

    • Bandwidth test result 4.8 / 4.6 Mbit / s Hide-My-Ass.com server in Texas, USA: 20:00 local time

    • Bandwidth test result 27.2 / 5.2 Mbit / s over HideMyAss.com server in Moldova: 17:30 local time

    Conclusion: Great performance, you realize that you barely surfs over to another country!
    Rating: + + + + + (positive 5/5)

    3) Support and assistance

    There is help on a forum, via e-mail and even via live chat. On our way to test, we requested a contact and the answer to our question was given via live-chat in a few minutes. Real support!
    We also saw that the forum was quickly moderated and gave clearly and good answers to questions. 
    Live-Chat-Support, E-Mail or Forum Support options!
    Live-Chat-Support, E-Mail or Forum Support options!

    Conclusion: Support should be like that! 
    Rating: + + + + + (positive 5/5)

    4) access via hotspots or mobile phone possible? How safe is it?

    You may also use several PC, but just at the same time per subscription only from one device.it is possible to use hidemyass on all laptops even Android or OS5 devices.  Out of this it is also recommended to secure connections over Free-Wifi for private or even business use. 
    In addition, there is the possibility of the server to create manually a VPN service over PPTP, so you can even go beyond your iPad or mobile phone via VPN online with hide-my-ass. In addition, there are good instructions available for using various equipment to facilities available (English) Instructions for Andorid, iPhone.

    hidemyass offers also full pptp support to connect any device (mobile, ipad, others)
    hidemyass offers also full pptp support to connect any device (mobile, ipad, others)

    Conclusion: Simple and mobile travel safely. 
    Rating: + + + + + (positive 5/5)5) Video 

    5)Streaming Video without country restrictions

    Increasingly, you want to receive your favorite programs live  via the internet, but often there are restrictions given to prohibit access by a foreign IP address then. With hidemyass we were able to find full satisfaction also to trigger even HD programs were good. This one also has access to TV channels in the U.S. or any country where hide my ass runs a server. Finally, then yes you are surfing with an IP of the server location. Messages like these are a thing of the past with HMA.
    Overrule IP-adress restrictions by watching video in other countries
    Overrule IP-adress restrictions by watching video in other countries
    Conclusion: real genius! 
    Rating: + + + + + (positive 5/5)

    6) File sharing and performance?

    Of course, file sharing is also a topic where security is most important. We have tried out utorrent during some days. We couldn`t see that real speed were lost, also on use of several different servers. In addition, the software offers the possibility to change its IP address defined cyclically every few minutes or a free period. This will improve your security. .uTorrent, Bit Torrent and other file sharing tools are working properly.

    Using hidemyass with utorrent doesnt reduce your speed usually
    Using hidemyass with utorrent doesnt reduce your speed usually
    Summary: File sharing makes it through security again won a contrite-free pleasure 
    Rating: + + + + + (positive 5/5)

    7) Are we really anonymous by using Hide My Ass? It is also for people who need extremely high reliability?

    A VPN tunnel protects definitely aware the security of transfering data between the terminal and the server location. The standards used for hide-my-ass here are up to date and ensure maximum protection. Upon our request in the User Forum we got confirmed from the operator that hidemyass is not logging connection details, just the ip-adresses.
    This is an important feature, but surely they will answer to qualified curt answers about the real ip-adress used during time.

    answer in the support forum, hidemyass
    answer in the support forum, hidemyass

    "We log only minimal things - your original IP and timestamps. That's something we have to do.We will NEVER give out original IP without a court order - and a court order is hard to get."

    So in fact there is not an absolutly anonymousity given but it is enough for private uses. The most unsecure moments are already prevented (inside of an free wifi) and the fact that court orders are rarely to get (great britian law) we can feel secure.
    Conclusion: Good for individuals or businesses, internationally exposed persons should rely on other means. 
    Rating: + + + + (positive 4/5)

    8) Goverment Data Retention issues, as behaves as Hide My Ass?

    The local provider is by law committed within the EU because of all the existing data (each page call, every e-mail, etc..) Save for at least 6 months of each customer. On court order, these data are then also visible. With hide-my-ass you are secure from data rention of your local provider.
    Conclusion: The middle order not to be covered by the local control over power! 
    Rating: + + + + + (positive 5/5)

    9) Pricing

    You pay for Hide-My-Ass per monthly usage. There are different This is then  monthly at $ 11.52 USD for annual payments and lowers the price to $ $ 6.55 per month! That's as far as we know the market really great!Comparable provider with the comprehensive features, but it does not, however, are the most expensive by more than 20%! No automatic renewal, simple pricing structures, a month from $ 6.55 
    the hidemyass pricing plan offers various options by time
    the hidemyass pricing plan offers various options by time
    Conclusion: Great value - Great job! 
    Rating: + + + + + (positive 5/5)

    Additional features:
    • More than 21,000 different IP addresses available! This gives virtually getting a new IP address, which you did not never used before. We have yet to see hardly any other provider!
    • Just to be selected servers countries around the world, 42 different countries to choose from. That means more than comprehensively, but for some very important features (films from around the world to see) is stupid if you do not then the destination server as the location.
    hidemyass ofers server connections in more than 42 countries
    hidemyass ofers server connections in more than 42 countries
    hidemyass country - server overview
    hidemyass country - server overview
    • Included Speed test features inside of the software to check the best connections.
      Built in speed test for server connections
      Built in speed test for server connections
    • Rapid change of servers and IP addresses. Brings added security and Komfrt of use.
    • OpenVPN or PPTP Encryption Standard to choose from. State of the Art - technically!
    • Bind directly to programs HideMyAss use means that the browser or other programs can not go without a launched Hide My Ass connection to the grid. A great feature, because who knows what some programs so all over days, just after the restart. And then you can not forget it or mistake "unsafe" to surf!

  • secure ip bind forces specified applications to only work behind encypted vpn connection
  • secure ip bind forces specified applications to only work behind encypted vpn connection
    • Automatically change of IP-Adress to improve online security
    • automatically change of ip-adress by time
      automatically change of ip-adress by time
    Recommendation:Hidemyass is overall a very good service, which leaves little to be desired. It lacks a security at virtually no assets and therefore there is a real added value for everyone. The simple and easy to use and the great speed just as impressive. The only slight negative is that the software only in "english" stands for disposal, but the ease of use yet convinced.We can therefore recommend the service especially!
    • How easy is Hidemyass use? Rating: + + + + - (positive 4/5)
    • Speed ​​"surfing"
      Rating: + + + + + (positive 5/5)
    • Support and Support
      Rating: + + + + + (positive 5/5)
    • Access via hotspots or mobile phone possible? Rating: + + + + + (positive 5/5)
    • Video streaming without copyright restrictions
      Rating: + + + + + (positive 5/5)
    • File sharing and performance?
      Rating: + + + + + (positive 5/5)
    • As we are really anonymous Hide My Ass? Rating: + + + + - (positive 4/5)
    • Retention, such acts as Hide My Ass?
      Rating: + + + + + (positive 5/5)
    • Pricing
      Rating: + + + + + (positive 5/5)

    Overall rating: + + + + + (positive 5/5)

    More information and Order (click on the button):
